We endeavor to enhance environment
protection for a sustainable planet.


Environmental Policy

I. Environmental Philosophy

Based on our Corporate Philosophy to “create satisfaction and happiness among employees, customers, and local communities”, all J-MAX employees will work toward improving environmental conservation and aim to be a company that is highly evaluated by society.

II. Code of Conduct

The Company will undertake the following environmental protection activities in all its business activities.

  • 1. Comply with laws, regulations, ordinances, and terms accepted by the Company related to the environment. Whenever possible, we will establish our own management standards and take measures to maintain or improve them.
  • 2. Establish environmental objectives and goals and continuously improve our environmental management system through periodic reviews.
  • 3. Reduce the load on the environment to the extent possible by preventing environmental pollution caused by our business activities; reducing waste and processing it appropriately and deploying effective equipment to do so; and conducting activities in the areas of recycling, resource conservation, and energy-saving.
  • 4. Value communication with local communities and coexist with society.
  • 5. Raise awareness regarding environment conservation and safety by spreading understanding of the Environment Policy among all employees and disseminating environmental information.
  • 6. Spread awareness of J-MAX’s environmental conservation activities based on its Environmental Policy among cooperative companies and request their understanding and cooperation.
  • 7. Publicize our Environmental Policy on the corporate website and make it accessible to the general public.
April 1,2024
Representative Director, President & Executive Officer J-MAX Co., Ltd.
Eiji Yamazaki

Environmental Initiatives by Consolidated Subsidiaries

Environmental Policies of Subsidiaries

Thai Marujun Co., Ltd. (TMC)

Prioritizing environmental protection, we select the appropriate method for processing waste and pollutants generated in our business in accordance with environmental laws. In addition to working to minimize such substances, we endeavor to increase the efficiency of the energy and resources we use and promote recycling.

Guangzhou Marujun Co., Ltd. (G-MAX)

With compliance with environmental protection regulations as our basic principle, we will contribute to a society that prevents global warming by saving energy, eliminating or reducing the emission of harmful substances, and activities to reduce the use of consumables in all our manufacturing processes.

Wuhan Marujun Co., Ltd. (W-MAX)

Toward the realization of a green and decarbonized society, we will establish an energy-saving system that reduces energy consumption, the output of pollutant waste products, and CO2 emissions.

Super high tensile processing technology

Super high tensile processing technology enabled through cold-forming presses contribute to making automobiles lighter (more fuel-efficient), safer (stronger), and compact. This method also reduces CO2 emissions by about 30% compared with conventional hot stamping.
J-MAX will contribute to protecting the global environment through efficient craftsmanship and high-performance products.

Utilize recyclable energ

Installation of solar panels

With the aim of actively utilizing renewable energy, we have completed the installation of solar panels at all J-MAX Group locations, including three overseas locations.

J-MAX 本社




Wind power installation

In August 2023, we installed a 400W wind power facility on the southwest side of the Kamiishizu factory.The electricity generated here will be used for night lighting at the factory, reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 15 kg per year.

Environmental data Three-year trend from FY2021 to FY2023


Energy usage

Water usage

Total emission of waste products