Collaboration among industry, government, and academia
As a manufacturer of press parts for automobiles, we will contribute to the further development of local communities by collaborating with education and research institutions such as universities and vocational schools, and local sponsored group, using our know-how and sustainability initiatives we have cultivated over the years.
State of factory tour
State of lecture at university
Exchange of opinions on SDGS
Introducing circular agriculture 「aquaponics」
Factory tours
January 15, 2020 Daegu Meister High School (South Korea)
J-MAX’s Kamishizu Plant hosted 30 students and four chaperones from Daegu Meister High School in South Korea on a plant tour. Daegu Meister High School is a technical high school opened in 2010 under a new educational policy to develop front-line technicians to work at mid-sized and smaller companies in core and advanced industries. As a metal-processing company, we would like to continue proactively welcoming students who will underpin the future.
Contributing to the community
We held an information session for residents regarding the use of the site of Toki Elementary School in Kamiishizu-cho, Ogaki City, which will close in March due to school merger, we explained our efforts in the local community, such as the development of 「aquaponics」, a circular agriculture that we are experimenting with,and developing practice facilities for BMX freestyle, one of the Olympic cycling events
J-MAX Group Health and Safety Policy
I. Basic Philosophy
The J-MAX Group aims to create satisfaction and happiness among employees, customers, and local communities and conducts business activities placing employee health and safety as its utmost priority.
II. Basic Policies
The J-MAX Group has established the following policies to create comfortable workplaces were employees can work in safety and peace of mind. All employees work as one to implement these policies.
- 1. Strictly comply with healthy and safety related laws and regulations and internal rules while at the same time establishing self-regulated standards as required in the pursuit of an ever-safer workplace.
- 2. Actively allocating appropriate management resources to implement these polices and establish a framework for effective health and safety activities.
- 3. Anticipate and predict latent risks and dangers and work to prevent workplace accidents.
- 4. Enhance training on health and safety and work to develop personnel with a safety first mindset.
- 5. Promote the creation of a comfortable work environment to reduce fatigue and stress.
- April 1,2024
Representative Director, President & Executive Officer J-MAX Co., Ltd. - Eiji Yamazaki
Social-related data Three-year trend from 2021 to 2023
Number of employees by gender
Average years of service
Number of female supervisors
Employees with disabilities (%)
Non-Japanese employees (%)
Number of new graduate hires
Number of social contribution activities Clean-up activities
Incidence of workplace accidents (%)