Company Profile

Company Profile

Basic information

Company name J-MAX Co., Ltd.
Address 130-1 Otsusaka, Kamiishizu-Cho, Ogaki-City, Gifu 503-1601
Tel: 0584-46-3191 (Main)
Fax: 0584-46-3192
Founded/ Established July 1st 1952
January 4th 1960
Representative Director Eiji Yamazaki
Stock exchange listing 2nd Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
2nd Section of the Nagoya Stock Exchange
(Securities code: 3422)
Capital funds JPY 1,950,860,000
Number of employees 318(1,427: including employees of consolidated companies)
(as of the end of March 2024)
first-tier subsidiary/second-tier subsidiary/joint ventures Three overseas first-tier subsidiaries
One overseas second-tier subsidiary
One overseas joint ventures
Business description Manufacture of automobile body press parts
Manufacture of automobile precision press parts
Design,production of various dies
Major business partners Honda Motor Co.,Ltd.
Topre Corporation
Panasonic Corporation
Automotive&Industrial Systems Company,

Directors, Auditors

Representative director Eiji Yamazaki CEO of J-MAX group
Director Hidemi Aoyama Director in charge of management, accounting and finance
Director Atsutoshi Inokuma Director In charge of parts business, quality, safety, technology development, and sales
Director Tsuneo Matsui Director in charge of mold business
Director Yoshinori Tsuyuki
Director Haruhiko Takeuchi Outside Director
Director Taminori Yanagisawa Outside Director
Director Mutsumi Okura Outside Director
Full-time auditor Toshihiko Sunaga Outside auditor
Auditor Hiroyuki Mizutani Outside auditor
Auditor Eiji Shibuya Outside auditor

Corporate officers

President,Corporate officer Eiji Yamazaki CEO of J-MAX group
Managing corporate officer Hidemi Aoyama General Manager of Administration Headquarters
Managing corporate officer Atsutoshi Inokuma General Manager of Japan Business Headquarters
Senior corporate officer Tsuneo Matsui Deputy General Manager of Japan Business Headquarters and General Manager of Mold Manufacturing Department
Senior corporate officer Tetsuro Tanahashi Chairperson and General Manager of GUANGZHOU MARUJUN CO., LTD. and Chairperson of WUHAN MARUJUN CO., LTD. and Chairperson and General Manager of FUJIAN MARUJUN NEW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
Senior corporate officer Kazuyuki Mori Deputy General Manager of Japan Business Headquarters and General Manager of Parts Manufacturing Department
Corporate Officer Hajime Komiyama President and director, WUHAN MARUJUN CO.,LTD.
Corporate Officer Takayuki Honda President and Director, THAI MARUJUN CO., Ltd.